Our driver can only work with APFS containers residing on a single physical store, other configurations are not yet supported. those stored in /.DocumentRevisions-V100/.

Our driver supports all of them, except for one that is used for compressing specific system files, e.g. There are several compression methods in APFS. Find more information about APFS cloned files at. You can read, copy and rename this type of files, but not write, modify, create or delete. Our driver provides limited read-only support for APFS cloned files. Supports all character sets supported by your operating systems, including those that use non-Roman characters, so you will never face a problem of not getting access to file names on volumes mounted in non-native OS. However, this feature can be disabled at any moment in the program interface.

Mounts supported volumes automatically at startup, so you don’t need to bother about it each time you restart the operating system or power your computer on. By using the Write functionality, you accept the terms of this Evaluation Agreement. When volumes are mounted in the Write mode, you get full access to an APFS volume with the options to edit files, create new files or delete existing files.